Teaching principles of happiness from a holistic perspective

 Teaching principles of happiness from a holistic perspective
Teaching principles of happiness from a holistic perspective

Happiness  – The philosopher Aristotle’s homily, “happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”, might seem a tall order given the complexities of everyday life but a new book aims to “teach the principles of happiness from a holistic perspective”, says its author, who draws much inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism.

Aristotle’s ideals “seem far off in the distance as we face complexities (like) bills to pay, a family to raise, health problems to endure, a job we don’t like, and on and on it goes, seemingly without end. Obviously, there needs to be a solution for cultivating peace, love, and joy for the modern age without having to sit in a cave meditating for the rest of our lives,” entrepreneur and a philanthropist Joseph Rodarick Law writes in “Authentic Power and Greatness” (Orient Publishing).

“Through a sequence of what seemed like coincidental events, I was inspired to write this book…a book that could break down complex, timeless spiritual principles and truths into understandable and practical applications for our modern times…(and) teach the principles of happiness from a holistic perspective, one that includes family, career, spiritual growth, and one’s purpose in life,” told IANS in an email ahead of his visit to New Delhi and Mumbai for the release of his book later this week.

Written in a question-and-answer format through a series insightful interviews, Law hoped the book “will give readers private access to the ideas, thoughts, and advice of some of the world’s top thinkers in diverse fields”.

Among those whose brains Law picked for the book are corporate trainer and bestselling author Jack Canfield, philosopher and behavioural expert Dr. John Demartini, quantum physicist Fred Alan Wolf, leading thinker and inventor Dr. Edward de Bono (who invented the term ‘lateral thinking’), psychiatrist and expert in the science of human happiness Howard Cutler and the late financial advisor, Bill Bartmann, once listed in Forbes magazine as one of the 400 richest people in the US.

The book has been two years in the making as the author embarked “on a journey of intense inner and outer discovery, through deep meditation, travelling to sacred places in India, learning from many wise teachers, and studying many of the world’s traditions (Eastern and Western) in spirituality and wisdom”.

“I began asking myself the same questions that have been asked by philosophers for as long as recorded human history: Who am I? What is my purpose in life? What legacy do I want to leave the world when I depart from this life? Such deep pondering led me through a process of redefining the true nature of success; I no longer thought of it merely as material success,” Law explained.

He hoped the book can serve “as a pathway to help you live an ordinary life in an extraordinary way. This is your birthright, and it is possible for you to attain such a life”.

Admitting that the book will not give you all the answers you need, he said “it will open you to new questions. Through the application of the many principles in this book, you will feel happier, achieve more with less effort, and find deep inner peace without losing your effectiveness in the real world. You will wake up one day to realize you are no longer haunted by a sense of dread but are living a life inspired by purpose”.

What of the future?

“I still have a few more books in development, one is a short fiction and another one on ancient Eastern philosophy for the modern times. As I delved deeply into my studies, I came across sacred texts of ancient Eastern wisdom, mostly from India and China. I discovered they offer many solutions we desperately need in the world today, and there is significant merit and benefit in the revival of these for constructive use today.

“Many ancient books inspire me deeply, but I am particularly drawn to the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita and the teachings of Buddha. These works are dedicated to reaching our highest human potential and attaining peace of mind. The transcendent wisdom in these texts dates back thousands of years. It goes beyond knowledge, a function of the mind, and delves into the domain of the heart,” Law concluded.

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