Imagine Yourself Jobless One Morning

Imagine Yourself Jobless One Morning

Imagine Yourself Jobless One Morning

Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying your appraisal increment for the last year. Either the increments are good or it’s bad. if it is good then there is no problem for you currently and if it is bad then it might be that you have a problem in the future.

Today I thought to bring to you a very practical and critical thought in regard to the Jobless Vs Backup plan

Everyone today is working with companies and many of us says that “don’t love your company, love your job”. Even after loving our job we suddenly get the message the next day morning that we are jobless and our services are not required by the company. At this stage, many questions start flowing in your mind, what I will do now, how I will survive till I get my next job, when will I get my next job, I don’t have any backup plan for me and you attacked by Heavy Stress.

Friends this is the reality when it happens to someone he/she knows about this pain and I have seen people in pain when such situations arise.

Now the question comes how to overcome this situation, here are few solutions for it, which normally people follow who have actually gone through such kind of situation and today they are stress-free and enjoying their job with growth in their career:-

At least keep a minimum of 3 to 6 months of monthly expenses in your saving so that tomorrow if you don’t have a job, you will not come under stress. A maximum 3 months takes to get a new job in the worst situations.

At least develop some other skills/knowledge so that if you don’t get a job in the same profile or profession then you can change your area of work.

Continuously upgrade yourself and keep yourself in demand like a Branded Product so that such situations will not arise to you soon.

The situation becomes worst when you are the only earning member in your family…..think twice and let’s start working towards making the backup plan for yourself.

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